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FINRA publishes Notices to provide firms with timely information on a variety of issues.  To obtain a Notice published prior to 1995, please contact FINRA MediaSource at (240) 386-4200.

Publication Date Title Description
Regulatory Notice 17-01
Final Statements for Broker-Dealers, Investment Adviser Firms, Agents and Investment Adviser Representatives, and Branches
Payment Deadline: January 20, 2017
Election Notice – 12/20/16
FINRA Announces Results of SFAB, NAC and District Committee Elections and Appointments
Information Notice – 12/14/16
2017 Holiday Trade Date, Settlement Date and Margin Extensions Schedule
Information Notice – 12/5/16
2017 and First Quarter of 2018 Report Filing Due Dates: Annual Audit; FOCUS; Form Custody; Supplemental Statement of Income (SSOI); Supplemental Schedule for Derivatives and Other Off-Balance Sheet Items (OBS); and Supplemental Inventory Schedule (SIS)

The due dates set forth in this Notice are solely as to the filings that are specified in the Notice and required under SEA Rule 17a-5 or FINRA Rule 4524.  These due dates take into account the federal holiday calendar as appropriate.

Trade Reporting Notice – 12/5/16
Reporting of Information Relating to OTC Trades in NMS Stocks
Regulatory Notice 16-44
SEC Approves Amendments to the Customer Code of Arbitration Procedure Regarding Panel Selection in Cases with Three Arbitrators
Effective Date: January 3, 2017
Information Notice – 11/22/16
FINRA Reminds Firms of Exercise Cut-Off Time for Options Expiring on the Friday After Thanksgiving
Regulatory Notice 16-43
SEC Approves Rule Amendment to Create a New Academic Corporate Bond TRACE Data Product
Effective Date: February 27, 2017
Regulatory Notice 16-41
SEC Approves Amendments to Rules Governing Communications With the Public
Effective Date: January 9, 2017
Regulatory Notice 16-40
SEC Approves FINRA "Pay-To-Play" and Related Rules
Effective Date: August 20, 2017
Regulatory Notice 16-39
SEC Approves Rule Change to Require Reporting of Transactions in U.S. Treasury Securities to the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE)
Reporting Implementation Date: July 10, 2017
Election Notice – 10/19/16
Notice of FINRA District Committee Elections and Ballots
Ballots Due: November 18, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-37
SEC Approves FINRA's Capital Acquisition Broker (CAB) Rules
Effective Dates: January 3, 2017 (CAB Member Application and Associated Person Registration Rules) and April 14, 2017 (All Other CAB Rules)
Regulatory Notice 16-38
SEC Approves Amendments to Disseminate Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) Transactions and to Reduce the Reporting Time for CMO Transactions
Effective Date: March 20, 2017
Trade Reporting Notice – 10/7/16
"Trade Match” and “Trade Acceptance” Clearing Submissions on FINRA’s Alternative Display Facility

FINRA is enabling the automatic lock-in functionality on the ADF as of December 5, 2016.

Regulatory Notice 16-36
SEC Approves Amendments to the Codes of Arbitration Procedure Regarding Award Offsets
Effective Date: October 24, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-35
Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education Issues Firm Element Advisory Update
Election Notice – 9/7/16
Upcoming Election to Fill FINRA District Committee Vacancies
Nomination Deadline: October 7, 2016
Election Notice – 9/7/16
FINRA Small Firm Advisory Board Election
Nomination Deadline: October 7, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-34
FINRA Requests Comment on a Proposal Relating to Its Inter-Dealer Quotation System for OTC Equity Securities
Comment Period Expires: November 29, 2016
Trade Reporting Notice – 8/26/16
Trade Reporting Modifier for Trades that Qualify for the Intermarket Sweep Order Exception to the Trade-at Prohibition Under the Tick Size Plan
Effective Date: October 3, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-33
FINRA Adopts Amendments Relating to Use of the Alternative Display Facility for Trade Reporting Purposes Only
Effective Date: September 12, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-32
FINRA Announces New Web-based System for the Collection of Short Interest Positions
Effective Date: January 10, 2017
Election Notice – 8/19/16
Notice of Annual Meeting of FINRA Firms and Proxy
Note: On August 31, 2016, FINRA changed the annual meeting record date to Tuesday, August 30, 2016.
Election Notice – 8/12/16
FINRA Announces Nomination Process to Fill Upcoming Vacancies on the National Adjudicatory Council
Petitions for Candidacy Due: September 26, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-30
FINRA Reminds Firms of their Obligation to Report Accurately the Time of Execution for Transactions in TRACE-eligible Securities
Regulatory Notice 16-28
SEC Approval of FINRA Rule 4554 (Alternative Trading Systems—Recording and Reporting Requirements of Order and Execution Information for NMS Stocks)
Implementation Date: November 7, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-29
FINRA Requests Comment on Proposed Amendments to Its Gifts, Gratuities and Non-Cash Compensation Rules
Comment Period Expires: September 23, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-27
FINRA Announces Changes Relating to Composition, Terms of Members and Election Procedures for the National Adjudicatory Council
Effective Date: August 11, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-26
FINRA Adopts Amendments Relating to the Regulation NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility
Effective date: August 22, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-25
Forum Selection Provisions Involving Customers, Associated Persons and Member Firms
Regulatory Notice 16-24
FINRA and ISG Modify Certain Electronic Blue Sheet Data Elements
Regulatory Notice 16-23
SEC Approves Rule Change to Reduce the Clock Synchronization Tolerance for Computer Clocks Used To Record Events in NMS Securities and OTC Equity Securities
Effective Date: August 15, 2016; Phase 1 Implementation Date*
Regulatory Notice 16-22
SEC Approves Consolidated FINRA Rule 3210 (Accounts At Other Broker-Dealers and Financial Institutions)
Effective Date: April 3, 2017
Election Notice – 6/21/16
Upcoming FINRA Board of Governors Election
Petitions for Candidacy Due: August 5, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-21
SEC Approves Rule to Require Registration of Associated Persons Involved in the Design, Development or Significant Modification of Algorithmic Trading Strategies
Effective Date: January 30, 2017
Regulatory Notice 16-20
SEC Approves OATS Amendments to Require Identification of Non-FINRA Member Broker-Dealers
Effective Date: August 1, 2016
Regulatory Notice 16-19
FINRA Issues Guidance Regarding the Use of Stop Orders During Volatile Market Conditions
Regulatory Notice 16-18
SEC Approves Rule Requiring Delivery of an Educational Communication to Customers of a Transferring Representative
Effective Date: November 11, 2016
Information Notice – 5/16/16
Elimination of Continuing Education Delivery at Testing Centers
Effective: July 1, 2016
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