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Anonymous-C Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


If a security is sold, FINRA should have a record of it whether it is generated from. I see your folks are focusing on synthetic, fake shares generated to "provide liquidity" via options but security-based swaps, mismarked longs and any other financial instrument institutions may use to sell a share they do not have NEEDS to be reported to FINRA. When you folks have this information you cannot allow banks, market makers and other financial institutions to "provide liquidity" when there is no liquidity to be provided. When this happens, the shares should get more expensive as they are not an asset with an infinity quantity. Shareholders expect a certain quantity of shares to exist. When you folks allow these nefarious institutions to "generate liquidity", you are allowing them to tamper with corporate governance and you are allowing the shareholders rights to be diluted, not to mention cause measurable losses to shareholders as spawning synthetic shares no doubt suppresses the price of a security. Thank you and please make the right moves here.