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Technical Notice


March 17, 2023

From Monday, March 20, 2023, through Friday, March 31, 2023, the FINRA Test Facility (NTF) for TRACE Securitized Products will be modified to limit trade retention to five rolling business days. During that time, trades submitted in the NTF environment will only be available for cancellation or correction through T-5. After T-5 all trades must be reversed.

The Trade Management window in FINRA TRAQS normally allows users to search and view trades that were reported to TRACE within the past rolling 20 business days (T-20). During this temporary time, the NTF Trade Management Window will only allow users to search and view trades that were reported to TRACE within the past rolling five business days (T-5).

FINRA will issue a notice when the TRACE Securitized Products NTF trade retention window returns to T-20.

The production environment trade retention window is unaffected by this temporary change.

Please contact FINRA Product Management or call (866) 899-2107 with questions regarding this notice.