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Adrian Carector Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Adrian Carector

Is anything going on with regards to investigating ‘meme’ stocks AMC and GME? There is so much fraudulent manipulation of the stock prices I. A daily basis. I’ve seen this for months. I’m no expert but have educated myself to being able to read a stock chart and basic corresponding numbers. Daily - —ladder attacks - buy/sell of millions of shares, or continuous sell orders that are canceled immediately after being made —Market Manipulation /bots being placed every couple of days advising people to sell at a certain price (first it was $50.00, then $100.00, now $300.00. Bots have been copy/pasted with footer info indicating at least some of them are from Citadel. Names of bots are victims of Las Vegas shooting in 2017. I’m beyond words at this tactic) — trades accumulating (weekly at minimal) a 3X-5X the float of the entire AMC market —FTDs being hidden in deep in the money options and not paid into the stock — delays of broker margin info being released to the public by weeks — delays of FINRA OTC (NON-ATS) data being released for June data as of TODAY (July 22) —With the scale of multi-billions of shares and trillions of dollars, why doesn’t Citadel Connect have to report their activity to anyone? I guess this is a place for unmonitored activity and the place to hide activity and avoid taxation —Why are dark pools not better monitored when 62% (low estimate) of ALL trading for ‘certain’ stocks takes place here? I remember my parents losing money with the debacle of 2008. I remember tax money being used to bail out these ‘corporations’. I’ve seen ads asking us to protect our future and invest in the market. Through the TSP program at my job, I have. As a retail investor, I’ve done the same. With all that’s going on, not only do I not feel protected, I don’t feel I’m given a fair chance at making any kind of gain because rules are not being enforced and hedge funds AND market makers are allowed to operate by a different set of rules. Their accountability for literal financial treason, is to pay $10,000 for breaking a multitude of laws that make them millions. Is anything being investigated and is the system going to change? I’m losing faith that these markets will ever be fair. I’m not the only one. I hear from people all around the world who are losing faith in the US markets. Even in doing my own due diligence on companies I believe are great investments, if the prices can be manipulated to death and companies can be ‘pushed’ towards bankruptcy by continuous loopholes and outright corrupted methods, what’s the point in ‘investing’ my money? Feels more like a donation to a greedy, manipulative and corrupt system. I don’t expect anything to change. I hope it does but I don’t see it and haven’t seen it. I don’t expect a response. I know this is writing of ideas and submitting suggestions with no promise of a response. I’m one person and a drop in the bucket. If you get too many of those drops deciding not to participate in the US market because it is known by all to be non-inclusive, unfair, manipulative and corrupt, then we might as well be a 3rd world country because this is not the land of liberty and justice for all. Liberty and justice for the few who can outright control through manipulation and corruption is wrong. This isn’t a full list of my thoughts as I don’t yet see a point and don’t know if this will even be read. I do know I’ll be looking at other world markets to see their levels of blatant manipulation and disregard for the retail investor. If I find something seemingly safer or more secure, it may be very well where I and my resources are headed. Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst, Adrian Carector US Tax-paying Citizen