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Anonymous-KP Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


I am in support of FINRA being in control of the short interest compilation and most fine grained dissemination. I am in support of the most extreme reporting conditions. Reporting should be daily, there is too much time for them to change their books. There is also zero reason they can't report their holdings daily, they have computers, it's not like they actually do anything without them... They either are not allowed to have any positions, if they are part of market infrastructure, or they must report every single thing, everything. Go look at Glass-Steagall, reinstate that, and then go even further... I am done with all this, "ALTERNATIVELY," [REDACTED]. STOP. This is exactly why this massive scale fraud keeps happening over and over again, you keep handcuffing yourselves instead of the criminals. At this point, the outcome is going to be global catastrophe. Start suspending licenses to operate because you [REDACTED] well know that there are specific market players that broke the law and then perjured themselves. Who cares if they are financially ruined? They haven't cared for probably decades that they were financially ruining perfectly fine companies and their workers, for their own profit. I also know that there are many brokers who did illegal dumping to escape bad positions, like Fidelity. Why did the heads of Citadel and Fidelity fly to China when Ever Grande was found to be a giant Ponzi scheme? They seem to be pretty connected and have immense interest in a Chinese company not failing...? I basically want none of these current brokers/banks/market makers to be allowed to operate anymore. In fact, I do not even want market makers to be allowed, they should not be legal, they are clearly large scale Ponzi schemes. Let's just start over. Burn the rotten field and replant.