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Bruce Brown Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Bruce Brown

On this issues presented, my comments are: Short Interest Positions: I feel that short interest positions should be reported as all other positions are reported. There are videos of former hedge fund managers(Jim Cramer) admitting that psychological manipulation and misinformation are essential tools for a hedge fund to create narratives in the media for the purpose of manipulating a stock. Knowing who is to profit from such narratives would greatly assist the market in finding the correct value of a security despite efforts to undermine its value. Also, Shorting should be limited. There appears to be an unlimited ability to create short positions without regard to any rationality or rule. Financial Regulations are broken with impunity. The public has lost faith in the Government's ability to police the market. The faith must be restored. We need an ordered financial industrial with minimal corruption because the alternative is, well it's historically very bad. We need to make our Nation's laws and rules apply to all. There must be consequences for the bad actors who see themselves as the invisible hand of the market and grant unto themselves the power and impunity to control the market as they see fit. If this continues the system will fail and we cannot let that happen. Thank you for your interest in my opinions!