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David Kastner Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

David Kastner
Software Engineer

Dear Sir or Madam, it has been long overdue to further regulate short sale reporting as short selling has primarily been used by the investment firms impacting the financial market of the United States the most of any parties. The lack thereof seems absurd when taking into consideration the false reporting of many facts by mainstream media such as short interest, highly opinionated company performances, retail investor influence on stock prices etc. The so-called "naked short selling" which has been heavily avoided for the fact that it has been illegal for years and therefore not actively practiced is only another reason for hedge funds, market makers and all entities of the financial market to report all of the actual numbers involved. I strongly advise a more transparent reporting of all long, short positions as well as the reporting of other securities and currencies such as BitCoin, Ethereum and all other CryptoCurrencies.