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Eric Ory Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Eric Ory

I am an investor in AMC. I, as millions of others, have purchased our shares and held honestly. The hedge funds, however, have continually manipulated the stock market, namely AMC and GME. Their reporting of short interest position and their manipulation of naked shares, dark pool shenanigans, short ladder attacks and getting slaps on the wrist being fined a pittance compared to their net worth diminishes my confidence in the stock market as it does with other retail investors. While I can purchase stocks with my hard earned money, I play by the rules and seemingly the rules are only enforced on one side. Hold the hedge funds' feet to the fire. I want openness, honesty, transparency and trust in the process. I understand that investing can be risky and I am wholeheartedly willing to take that risk. However, I do want to take said risks knowing the rules and regulations are evenly enforced and I can trade within a system that works for the retail investor, as well as the big money investors.