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John J Archibald Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

John J Archibald
Retail Investor

Finra 21-19 is a change that is long overdue to the short reporting systems that have plagued the United States capital markets for too long. The institutions that have the ability to misrepresent their short exposure and subsequent effect on the markets is not only damaging to the retail Investor but the markets as a whole. The changes implemented in Finra 21-19 are not only a step in the right direction to protect the average American investor, but to also enrich and make for more transparent market for the rest of the world to have faith in. It is no accident that many of the American institutions that have the ability to currently mislead the markets through these reporting avenues, are the same institutions that are unable to participate in foreign markets for such violations. Our market competitors see the value in protecting market structure and so should we. If we continue to let these market instruments go unchecked, not only will the American markets become less attractive to foreign investment, they will become obsolete. This is unacceptable, moving forward the entities that have the ability to put such stress on our markets need to report said exposure before it is too late.