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John Strathearn Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

John Strathearn

FINRA 21-19 is long overdue. The US markets are not trusted given the massive class of billionaires that make the markets and conduct back-end deals to manipulate the markets along with hedgefunds. Given these players have ultimate transparency on retail investors using payment for order flow (PFOF), it's only fair that retail investors can see the daily (or per transaction) movements of these players. Transparency is key to an efficient market. Blindspots in short interest reporting creates huge gaps in transparency and understanding how market makers and hedgefunds manipulate the markets. If it's possible to manipulate using any amount of short volume, then these white collar corporations can not be trusted to report in good faith. If there's any room for manipulation of the US markets in any capacity, then further transparency is the only solution to prevent it from occurring. US and overseas investors have seen too much collaboration and backroom deals being done by these players and enough is enough.