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Matthew Vincent Lavertue Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Matthew Vincent Lavertue

I feel this message will go no where, but I am writing this email to just have a voice in what is going on with AMC Stock. I invested in AMC to let Hedge Fund know you can make money if a company decides to go Bankrupt, but when a company as GME, AMC go broke because of a Pandemic which affected the whole entire Businesses World. I feel it is poor judgement to force a company to go broke by shorting it, when it is trying to stay in Business. I think of the workers who work for GME, AMC and other companies that are affected by the Hedge Funds The Hedge Funds are not showing that our market is faithful for all, just for the ones who have money, and doesn't want others in to make money for a great chance for a great life, what the Hedge Funds are doing doesn't show good on our Economy or our Stock Market. I believe SEC, FINRA and other entities of our Government should look at what Hedge Fund Companies are doing to not just our Businesses but the workers for the company they are attacking. Today it is companies stricken by a pandemic, tomorrow it may be healthy companies that will affect more workers then what GME, AMC will have, and maybe it might be a family member or friend of yours that may lose their lively hood just so Hedge Fund companies can make a fast dollar. A GREAT FIGHT IS A FAIR FIGHT DON"T YOU AGREE!!!!! Thank you for reading and listening to my voice, I am not in this for the money truly I am not I am in this for the workers of GME and AMC some one needs to be their voice, the money I make from this I will take care of my dying mother medical bills and to ensure she has a good ending to her life, and the rest I will donate it to charities for children.