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Shawn Polivoi Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Shawn Polivoi

Good afternoon, I am not very educated in the stock market and rules governing the actions of parties. However, I know that Naked Shorting is likely illegal and it seems that this has been happening with this merger between MMAT and Torchlight (TRCH). It's also unfair that so much shorting activity can be done secretively. There should be requirements for cooperations shorting to declare themselves. Fintel and Ortex data shows huge numbers of short shares. My brokerage (WeBull) has taken a very long time in providing the Preferred Stock Dividend. This is a unique opportunity for oversight of this due to the CUSIP change, Name change, reverse merger, reverse split, international transaction, and Special Dividends. Please take time to investigate the activities of the Hedge Funds and brokers invoked in the transactions. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Shawn Polivoi