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Tim Palmquist Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19

Tim Palmquist

When will you people do your jobs big hedges like citadel have been manipulating stocks since the 90’s why is this still being aloud? They didn’t get this big buy playing buy the rules. Do you people even watch the tickets? If you did you would see it. So obviously being manipulated. Explain to me how one company can have stellar news and stock moves down and stocks with no news or bad news stocks rise how does that reflect on true supply and demand we all see you supporting this illegal practice. They have peoples 401k money which is used to manipulate the market to line there own pockets we have had enough and can’t wait to see greed bring it down and crash the hole market. We the individual investors are being miss lead and stolen from. How can there be record profits for the rich during a pandemic?? Do your jobs and stop taking bribes!!!!!