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Adrian Hernandez Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Adrian Hernandez

Year after year, as I find ways to increase my net worth and diversify my portfolio, regulators seem to step in and take away more and more tools from my personal finance toolbox. It's really frustrating and, with each new regulation, it seems as though only the currently wealthy and high net worth individuals are able to pursue high risk/high return strategies. I understand the risks and only pursue these strategies with money that I can afford to lose. There is no difference between investing in a leveraged fund versus investing in many individual stocks these days. Values can change drastically overnight in today's economy. Honestly, the constant deficit spending by the federal government pushes people into riskier and risker strategies as the dollar continues to lose value because of poor economic policy and money management at the federal level. Balance the federal budget and keep all tools in the toolboxes of intermediate-level investors.