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Amit Doshi Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Amit Doshi

To Whom It May Concern,

I am opposed to any restrictions on my rights to invest in public investments such as leveraged or inverse funds.

I should have the right to choose the investments that are appropriate for our family.

These are investments that should be available to the public and not solely for the benefit of the elite.

I refuse to take any test or qualification exam to determine if I am granted the right to access or trade such funds and am fully capable of understanding how leveraged and inverse funds operate, inclusive of any risks.

I can and do read the fine print when making any significant investment, and I feel it unwarranted that FINRA regulators impose any restrictions on my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.

I am fully aware of the risks and responsibilities involved in investing in leveraged and inverse funds and do not need federal oversight for such matters.