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Anthony Althaus Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Anthony Althaus

Is freedom only for the wealthy?

Is it only those with large bank accounts and specialized investment knowledge that are "allowed" to make decisions, good or bad, about the money they've earned and where they will invest it?

Does our status as legal aged adults no longer qualify us to take responsibility for our choices and determine our future?

You permit us to handle your money at banks, prepare your food at restaurants, carry firearms and protect you as military and law enforcement, save your life as healthcare workers, and yet deny us the right to invest in a public investment?

Are we considered fit to sign a disclaimer acknowledging the risk and responsibility in choosing to throw ourselves out of a perfectly good airplane, and yet unfit to do the same regarding the investment of our money?

Are we to be deemed unworthy of equal opportunity based on our "net worth"?

I strongly oppose this usurpation of my authority to make choices for myself.