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Barbara Anselmi Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Barbara Anselmi

To All Regulators, Regarding FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08, I want to state that I am fully capable of choosing the public investments that are right for my family and myself. All public investments should be available to all people, not just the privileged few. I should not have to go through any special process in order to invest in certain public securities. I fully understand the risks involved in all securities trading including leveraged and inverse funds. I do not need these limiting measures imposed on me. And I know all persons invested in the stock market and other types of investments feel the same. Inverse funds etc are important to my investment portfolio. They help to protect my investments and enhance my returns especially since the market is the way it is these days. They are a limited part of my portfolio but I consider them to be important and necessary for me to use. As a woman approaching 60, I need to protect and hedge against the swings of the market and not only protect my money but to make some money in order to support myself and my family. Inverse and leveraged strategies are important for me to achieve this. I've worked very hard all my life and am capable of making the right choices for my portfolio and my future. I know every American feels the same way too. Our ability to make our own choices with our own hard, earned money is a right our forefathers fought for and won. America is the land of the free and independent and it's the right choice for all American's who want to invest in securities of all types knowing the risks of investing in anything. I especially feel this way for myself and my own portfolio. I don't tell other people how to live their lives and I don't want limits imposed on me. Thank you.