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Betty Graupe Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Betty Graupe


While I do appreciate that there are regulations to protect the integrity of the financial industry, I'm totally flabbergasted and upset to discover that you may be taking away my rights (or making it extremely difficult for me) to purchase any leveraged or inverse funds!

I have been investing for over 35 years, and I expect to be able to choose my investments in the way that I like. While I personally have never been big on leveraged and inverse funds,.. with the market being as volatile and downward trending as it has been, as you know, it is actually quite prudent and smart to incorporate a small percentage of my portfolio to one (or more) of these types of investments at times.

I use these types of funds (though quite sparingly) as a means to help protect my portfolio against market downturns, and as such they can also act to enhance my returns - or limit my losses. Either way, they can be extremely beneficial.

If a particular fund is so dangerous for the public to purchase, then the fund should be entirely dismantled; but to make these funds only available to some privileged group - that is simply Not right.

Thank you for listening and understanding.
- Betty Graupe, 35+-year investor