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Brianne Kahraman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Brianne Kahraman

Eliminating the leveraged ETFs from the choices of investment vehicles is the wrong decision. If the leveraged ETFs are volatile, how about the individual securities, mutual funds and options. Every investment tool in the stock market involves some degree of volatility and risk, even crossing the street in daily life has some degree of risk. Are we going to eliminate options because they include a high risk? The SEC proposed regulation of removing the leveraged ETFs from small investors is a bad regulation. IT IS PULLING THE CARPET UNDER OUR FEET. They are pushing the small investors like me out of the stock market. The SEC's proposal to terminate the leveraged ETFs will take away our freedom of choice in the stock market. I firmly believe that investing in the leveraged ETFs is one of the ways to be successful in the stock market; people like me, small individual investors who know what they are doing.