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Bryan Jones Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Bryan Jones

Why are we being treated like children and we are limited to only big companies or wall street firms? I can read and like a big person. my mother doesn't need to cut my meat (and I manager her money as a matter of fact) . So since I am a grown person I don't need the govt treat me like a child and limit what I can invest in or not. It always seems if the market crashes you limit I can make money on it. Are you going to give me my money when wall street lies to no end and steals all my money?
It seems I can only put money to where wall street can make money off me and lose it like Robin hood they should be banned. The tell them what I want and have a big shot sell me at a higher price and rip me off tell them inside info. Great job on that one, great one on protecting the small people. You should see the show "The Big Short" they showed how good of a job the gov protected people from getting ripped off from the banks, wall street, etc.
It seems that you only restrict us and last I checked we are a semi-hidden free country (no matter how much you chose to limit us) it is only when you are caught and it is bad you get caught that you still try to restrict another way unless we are in congress then we can to insider trader with the information. Even the Fed reserve was able to until the finally got caught and it got leaked out to people find out. Then they quit and should be in jail for the game they play. So no please do not restrict us from what we can buy. The leveraged and inverse funds are important to your investment strategies and I use them very much.
Thank you