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Chris Cousins Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


These proposal are an insult to humanity. The hubris is disgusting. People who think they know better than anyone should be locked away. To limit the public's ability to invest in these funds is to further RIG the game against the public. Unelected bureaucrats doing the bidding of special interests. All this that these LOSERS, bc that is what these special interests are, can no longer beat the public. They are sore, and it took about, ohhhh a calendar quarter of pain for them to say we can't play. Is that America, or should the guys who invited everyone to the party have to stay until the end and clean up whatever mess may be? I think the latter. These funds ARE my investment strategy. For the same reason they exist, I just happen to find it easier to trade inverse. Sorry, but I have become better at trading them, and maybe the fat cats are not making as much, but so long as there is some reason and decency left in the system, DON'T LET THEM OFF THE HOOK! MAKE THEM BUY IT ALL BACK, BC THEY WROTE IT!