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Christopher Nygren Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Christopher Nygren

I feel that government overreach has been getting worse and worse. I am a crypto investor. I feel some things that need to happen is making bots illegal for crypto. They are a problem for the industry when every tom dick and harry have a bot program like Pionex as an example. The government should regulate the industry, without screwing those who have been in it. I am for regulation on the condition it is for the benefit of all and not for the benefit of the wealthy. I am an intelligent person and I have a good job and if I want to put my money into crypto, no one should be able to tell me I can't. Crypto is based on a decentralized currency system that is not meant to be controlled by governmental politics. You will make inflation worse in the long run by staying the course you're on. Thanks. It's just my 2 bits.