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Daniel Kling Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Daniel Kling


I'm mildly opposed to a regulation banning "complex" financial products if it ends up covering things like 2x or 3x index funds (or even inverse funds). I can imagine folks getting themselves into trouble with these, but no more so than they already can with options and futures. I guess it's a bit worse insomuch as someone get get these funds in a regular brokerage account w/o jumping through any hoops, but it's my impression is that with robinhood and such, that cat is already out of the bag.

In conclusion, w/e, but if you have any ability to put a pin in this one and just ban all the crypto junk, that would be infinitely better. I mean, honestly you can do whatever you want on this one if you also get around to recognizing that virtually everything associated with crytocurrency is terrible at best and a flagrant scam at, well, almsot all the time?
