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Dylan Roy Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Dylan Roy

I oppose restrictions to my right to invest in leveraged an inverse funds. I am aware of the potential risks and potential benefits and have spent a lot of time studying them already. I consider them an important part of my overall strategy and have been able to fine tune their use over the years. I do not go overboard with them and they are not a high percentage of the money I invest. I rarely hold them for more than a few days and only sometimes overnight. Usually when I do it is to hedge my positions and therefor I am able to actually trade less. I am a very small time investor and I would feel disadvantaged if restricted. It would most likely lead me to to use options more often which is something I feel would be riskier for me at this time. They are not for everybody and there is a learning curve but education and information seems to me a more fair proposition than restricting the little guy/retail investor from the right to invest in public investments. I use these products regularly and would feel very upset and burdened by being restricted to use these products. I find them an important part of my overall strategy.