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Evangelos Eleftheriou Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Evangelos Eleftheriou

Dear Sirs, I have read your proposed regulations related to "complex" investments, and I would like to voice my opinion. I am somewhat surprised that regulators are focused on the investors themselves rather than on the fundamental function of regulating the markets through conditions imposed on funds and traded securities. I would definitely approve and happily participate in any survey your initiate in the pursuit of your regulatory authority for the purpose of assessing investor know-how. Survey tools are the means you should be using to gauge investor knowledge or for the purpose of minimizing complexities characteristic of certain funds. If a fund is indeed complex enough to necessitate a PhD in Stochastic Processes and Games Theory, it should not have been offered publicly in the first place. Regulators should have acted proactively to prevent the availability of assets with unnecessary complexity in the marketplace. If the proposed measures are taken in the name of "protecting small investors", we stand a chance of increasing the wealth gap in the country because the vast majority of workers depend on a broad and diversified portfolio in their retirement and college funds to stretch them as far as possible. Despite my enormous respect and admiration for your mission, and despite my sincere desire to advocate for improved investor education programs, I find that the proposed measures are focused in the wrong direction.