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Frank Randall Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Frank Randall

Attention FINRA. I have been licensed in the business for more than a decade. I saw the collapse of the financial markets first-hand in 2007 to 2009 and none of it was due to retail investors breaking laws or taking risks. It was the institutions.
To restrict or prohibit an inverse ETF strategy is literally taking away the working class's means to invest in derivatives, which is an entire market owned by JPMorgan and a few other investment banks making wealthy hedge fund managers and their investors a lot of money. The ability to trade an inverse ETF strategy allows for a retail investor NOT to fill out a margin account application - AND - thus, take less risk by NOT forcing them into an account position that far exceeds their financial capability.
If you restrict this asset class then you are sentencing working class investors to struggle to keep pace in this rapid-inflationary market, invest in long-only strategies, and discriminate against them by rigging the market for the super-wealthy.
Please do NOT restrict any such investment opportunities into inverse ETF strategies.
Thank you,