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Henny Hanna Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

henny hanna

To whom it may concern: I have an MBA in Fnanace - 1984, and have been investing for the past 40 years. Your proposal to start testing investors before allowing to invest in whatever you deem risky is arbitrary, vicious ans smaks of communism! I do not need your [REDACTED] to tell me what to invest in!!!!! Leveraged and / or inverse funds are no more risky than non-inverse funds! They are definitely less risky than options on Facebook, tesla, or any other security trading on nasdaq! Large brokerage houses - note: not robinhood - do a great job on approving clients for different types of transactions. I know that for a fact from my 40 years experience with them: and most recently with Ameritrade. I do not need some bureaucrat telling me what I can do with my money! If you try to implement your communistic new rules, that leaves me no option but to pursue legal action against you - after raising [REDACTED] with my senators and congressmen!