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Isaac Kremsky Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Isaac Kremsky

Hi, I oppose the SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15. I feel this rule would only serve to further divide the wealth gap that already exists in this counrtry, as it would make it more difficult for investors such as myself, with a lower net worth, to take advantage of leveraged funds in order to enhance capital gains. While I certainly don't think it would be wise or safe for any investor to insvest solely in leveraged funds, having them as a component of my portfolio allows me to benefit from a nice upside potential while at the same time enjoying the diversity of investments that such funds provide. Especially since I am only investing relatively small amounts in these funds, I do not think I should be required to read and specific materials or take specific classes to invest in these funds. The experience gained by managing a small investment in such funds will be much more valuable than any class would.