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Jake Thompson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jake Thompson

Attention FINRA regulators: Investors don't need a nanny and you ought to stay out of the way and let people win and lose, so they can experience both outcomes. This is one of many things wrong with our country today. Risk mitigation enforced by governing bodies, that deprives the populace of experiencing life itself, among other things. It creates a dangerous loop of never experiencing consequences, which leads to complacency and weak minds What's next? Seat belts required on everyone's home furniture? If you want to regulate something and actually make a difference that anyone cares about, while at the same time reinstoring faith in your questionable organization, 1. GO AFTER THE BIG BANKS WITH METALS TRADING DESKS, THAT SUPPRESS AND SPOOF PRECIOUS METALS PRICES ON A DAILY BASIS. 2. Meaningfully prosecute and sentence Fed members and politicians who are blatantly participating in INSIDER TRADING.