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Matthew Sissung Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Matthew Sissung

This REEKS of corruption by the FINRA!!! There is no one out there that FULLY understands every aspect of the stock market, Doctorates (multiple) or none. The market is simple principals that work either on an ETF or common stock. There is not a single stock that is 100% guaranteed to make a profit, some are much more riskier than others. The FINRA should not be Wall Street’s thug enforcer, but should protect an open market and the American Dream. If this passes, it will be another chunk of the American Dream lost! It is my investment and should be my choice how I invest. A Doctorates degree is not required to play blackjack, roulette, or craps at the casino, and I should not have the right to sue if I lost gambling. The agency is there to ensure the rules are established and followed by the casino, not that the player understands all the rules. FIRNA should ensure the ETF’s follow the rules, not restrict my ability to invest after they are approved!