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Maurice Cameron Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Maurice Cameron

Dear FINRA, I've been successfully trading Leveraged & Inverse Funds (ProShares), and using them as a hedge to other investments for years now. With the ongoing NEW rules & restrictions being considered by government and FINRA, trading/investing as an individual will become more complex than it already is!! (please don't try and make me jump through any additional hoops)!! Isn't being an Investor risky enough w/o you compounding the issue with trying to implement MORE control!(for your obvious benefit, not mine)! I don't want YOU or the GOVERNMENT trying to pretend to be my Fiduciary. Your motives for changing things are obviously for yourselves mine! I do NOT TRUST your judgement in this matter. Please, stop pretending to implement these new regulations for my well being. It's too obvious your for yourselves!! mbcjr/God Bless