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Michael Traub Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Traub

These products have helped me pull in my retirement horizon by MORE THAN A DECADE! In fact, I have further built an entire business based on utilizing LEFT's and Inverse Funds, with the intention of this being a MAIN income stream at some point. I would be financially devastated if there were restrictions imposed - such as a proposed "cooling off" period. The products are not complex and the risks are not "hidden" in any way. I would argue these products are more transparent and clear to understand than traditional Mutual Funds - as often those are merely Funds of Funds. I know EXACTLY what I'm invested in/exposed to at any given moment and I am able to drive and manage my own risk in an entirely dynamic and fluid way. Please fight to keep these products readily available. Feel free to contact me if you would need any further comments. This measure by regulators is absolutely ridiculous and absurd!!!