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Mike Larsen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mike Larsen

This regulation doesn't help me as a consumer or investor. It hurts me. It takes away my options and my ability to decide what is right for me and my finances. The attitude that individual investors are too dumb to understand "complex" investments is offensive. I do my homework and choose my investments based on my own risk profile, investment vehicles and asset classes that I believe in, and having a balanced overall financial portfolio. The fund BITO, that I invest in helps me to achieve my objective to use a small portion of my financial portfolio to aggressively pursue new breakthrough technologies. This is prudent diversification based on my belief that cryptocurrency is the future of money and will one day become the dominant way of holding value. Additionally, cryptocurrency such as bitcoin may prove a hedge against inflation which as we know is at 40 year highs. Public markets exist to bring investment access to the individual and the "little guy". Limiting the ability of retail investors to invest in the most promising new assets and technologies is counter to the point of having public markets. It makes quality investments only available to those who are already rich. Spending hours jumping through regulator hoops such as investment tests and proving my net worth does not help me understand what I'm investing in. My time is better spent doing research on my investments and considering the risk/reward profile of any particular investment to my individual circumstances. I know better what is right for me than the SEC or FINRA.