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Nate Ahlgren Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nate Ahlgren

It does not make any sense to create legislation to make investing more exclusive, especially if it rules out the very people you espouse to "protect". The last thing we the people want from FINRA is to make investing yet more of an exclusive club for the elites. It is honestly disgusting that you are pursuing legislation in this domain given the glaring issues which have come about under your jurisdiction. If you are concerned with protecting the public, perhaps you could pursue the enlightening of "dark pools" and make all transactions of shares transparent to the public. This would allow people to better educate themselves before investing in the profoundly corrupt marketplace that has led to countless bubbles in the past (NASD included). Please do not continue your pursuit of limiting the freedom of retail investor's choice and information by continuing to enable off exchange trading, the hiding of shorts within ETFs, and the siloing of information pertinent to the investors which make your office necessary. Demanding people take classes in order to take risks for themselves is like requiring a motorcycle's license to go offroading - if it is only my life is in my hands, I should be able to freely take whatever risks I deem acceptable. Please do not inspire the public to take action simply because you have let your system careen toward collapse through lack of regulation leading to this enormous bubble we find ourselves in. We are not the problem.