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Peter Stekr Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Peter Stekr

It is my understanding that FINRA is trying to limit peoples ability in invest in leveraged an short leveraged ETF's. Are we being forced to lock in losses on our portfolio? It will be a huge disincentive to invest (raise capital) in American business if investors do not have the ability to be short. Why would anyone be long stocks? The market will go down further with this stupid type of thinking because there will no way to hedge a position and people will not invest long term. Investors do not have the ability to use futures in retirement accounts currently. These funds are the only viable alternative. Please rty to make the world better, not worse FINRA.
There are multiple other vialble points to be for what I am saying and only one in favor of removing investors ability to use these funds, stupid people loose money they should not do not have the ability to loose. The disclosures state the facts of the investments in these funds currently. People who ignore them have no one to blame but themselves. All the information is readily available.
Peter Stekr CFA