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Randi Berkowitz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Randi Berkowitz

Whether or not I am investing at this time is inconsequential. What is important is my rights under the constitution. You have no right to violate my constitutional rights. To insult my intelligence, is unexceptable. To limit my rights to protect myself and/or my family's livelyhood with financial security is unforgivable and a violation of my rights. We do not live in a society where there is a class structure that forbides people to break through the financial ceiling of the rich and powerful. You do not have the right to limit anyone's access to a better life.
I have had it with this polital domain we now live under. You are violating my rights to privacy, to protect my family, to enrich me and my family if I so choose.
You allow people into our country from all walks of life, including terrorists! Do not think we are ignorant and uninformed as to the workings of the Biden Administration. You are trying to break us down. I read the news, I know what is going on behind the scenes. If I wanted to live in a communist society, I would move! I saw current pictures of Biden with the Chinese and Russians! You need to start looking where you live! Start protecting the people you swore you would protect and stop invading our privacy and our rights for a better life! Enough is enough! Public investments are available to everyone, not just the elite! People are not involved in investments without knowing the complexity and risks involved! I strongly disagree with FINRA Proposed Rule #22-08!