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Raymond Carroll Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Raymond Carroll

It is important that small investors be permitted to use all investment tools, including leveraged and inverse funds. Those tools are the only way small investors can ever hope to compete with the large investors who are allowed to use those tools. Also, the size of one's investments is not an indication of lack of ability. Many small investors have more academic degrees and training than the regulators. Testing small investors will be a waste of time for the investors, the investment industry, the testers, and whoever is going to monitor the testing. Maybe that is what the regulators want, by creating permanent make work jobs for themselves. Leave the small investors alone. They have a hard enough time by having their time wasted, and tools denied to them. All time and money in the USA needs to be spent more productively. That is why the Chinese now eat part of your lunch. Too many regulators just don't realize that. I used to be a regulator, but I knew how to find ways not to hinder, but to help all the citizens, and not just the fat cats, or those with connections, That is why now, every day, my regulations benefit you, even though you do not realize it.