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Raymond Stelting Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Raymond Stelting

I oppose government restrictions to my right to invest in things such as inverse ETFs. They are public investments and should remain fully accessible to the public without government restrictions. I feel totally informed and safe in making this kind of investment decision and have been doing so for some time. So long as risks are spelled out for the investor they are suitable for any private citizen.

During times such as this inflationary period, inverse and leveraged ETFs give the individual investor tools he needs to manage his investments. If access to this type of investment is removed or restricted it will cause harm to people like me who are managing their own investments.

I'm very concerned that more regulations will necessarily lead to loss of freedom to conduct my personal business as I deem best for me and my family. I do NOT need or want a bureaucrat, or regulator to restrict my freedom in this area.