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Ricky Krisle Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ricky Krisle

I should be able to choose which publicly traded investments are right for my investment objectives and not regulators. All people should have the ability to buy publicly traded funds and not just those who are at a certain net worth. I understand the way the funds I use work and the risks involved and do not need to pass a test to prove my proficiency. These funds help me protect my portfolio during down as well as up days in the market as well as smooth out the volatility experienced lately. Thank you for listening to my thoughts. I would appreciate keeping these funds as they are now - accessible to all that wish to buy and sell them without hoops to jump through that will not protect anyone that acts impulsively. With gambling legal most places online I'm sure those vehicles will be much more of a problem than educated and informed investors using funds to manage portfolio risk in a thoughtful manner.