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Ryan Hall Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Ryan Hall

This attempt at preventing investors from making investments of their choosing is un-American and appears to be another way to further stack the deck against individual investors. As if the un-punished crime publically commited by Robinhood with them protecting hedge funds and stopping profits by a large group of small investors wasnt bad enough, this further rigs the game to ensure more small investors lose in down markets. The timing is also precarious as the current "super bubble" is expected to burst. We dont need more ways to rig the system for the big guys. While some of the items on this laundry list make sense, many do not. This needs to be shortened up to only the most complex strategies . This should not effect short funds, currency funds, leveraged loan funds, IPO's, inverse funds, target date funds, high-yield bond funds, or emerging market funds.