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Sharod Smith Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Sharod Smith

To whom it may concern I am an American, and as an American tax paying citizen of this great country. I am saddened and also frustrated by the actions of Wall Street hedge funds, market makers, brokers and the FINRAS . People such as yourself that are willing stoop to such low levels in order to line their pockets with wealth while taking away from others. Does the word freedom mean anything to you? The stock market is the greatest money making machine in the world. and was made to be free, a free market for any man or woman who chooses to participate. Who are you and anyone that thinks like you, find the audacity to tell the public that they dont have the God-given right to participate in the freedoms of this great country. Only the privilege disgusting lack of empathy type of people could even think of anything like this. The gall of you people to ask any American to go through any special process or test taken before they can invest is preposterous. My question is wheres the special process and Test taken for the market makers in hedge funds, where are the tests to stop naked shorts, wheres The process to stop dark pools with the concern to stop market manipulation. Where is the energy to protect the regular retail buyer. you have none,instead you choose to make it harder for the regular retailer . Why because it seems to me that the little guy/girl finally has a shot at competing against this Goliath market. Thanks to the Internet retail can do its own due diligence on data ,graphs. A billionaire by the name of Mark Cuban said before a person invest into a company they should do a few things first. Find out every possible thing you can about the company before you invest. How much the company made last year, how much they are looking to make this year. Are they in debt, what did they do last quarter, does the company give out dividends and do you actually like the company and so on. We the people the investors retailers are fully able and very well capable of selecting our own stocks without needing someone to hold our hands. We are not children. Lets just be honest smart money is not smart money they are people that figured out a way to manipulate the market and algorithms in their favor. But things are starting to change and light is being shined on the corruption of hedge funds ,Wall Street market makers and some brokers (Robinhood) and you too FINRAS.
Corrupt people who only knows greed and corruption,the same type of people that caused the 2008 crash. I was one of the many millions of Americans Who was affected by the crash and lost their job. While the banks and Wall Street laughed and got b bailed out by the government. Banks were giving over $25 trillion dollars and you can look that up in freedom information. At the end of the day it was looked at and written off as the cost of doing business. The market is big and should be approach with caution but on my or the investors terms not yours. and definitely not with No test taken. I dont need my hand to be held when it comes to my VIXY ETF. If an investor needs help its plenty of information on the Internet and discord if a person choose to do so. In closing back off and stop thinking and coming up with ways to screw the little guy.

Exodus 20:15