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Stacey R Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Stacey R


I object to this rule that public investments should be restricted to a small number of privileged individuals. Making the public pass tests in order to invest in public funds is elitist and opposes our nations tradition of individual improvement through investing. As a woman, it is critical to me that I have access to all types of public investment because these types of rules are discriminatory and widen the already wide gender wealth gap. It will also widen the wealth gap between white individuals and BIPOC and other minorities, which is discriminatory. I am capable of determining which investments are right for me and of understanding my investments and their risks. I already have emerging market funds. They are doing well, and I am managing them well. I do not need to pass tests in order to invest successfully in them. Trust us all to be able to manage our own finances and investments. I urge you to build a financial society that supports all citizens, not one that privileges a few and thrusts others further into poverty. Do not impose these rules on the public.