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Talal Mased Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Talal Mased

In this highly manipulated market designed to enable the already extremely rich, though 40% of the market's new money the last two years is from peons and plebiscites like myself, it is no surprise to me that the absurd, obscure policies of this abusive regulatory body would do anything other than take advantage of it. To force commom investors to the exposure, the risk of derivatives and practically force them into margins and leveraged options so that market makers and brokerages can further profit off asks/bids and price pinning every Friday afternoon at 1600 EST, to restrict common investor's access to an inverse relationship when business isn't so good, solely enabling and encouraging those same obscure, abusive market forces to capitalize on turmoil (and prohibiting the rest of us when the data is evident, when we conduct our due diligence, when we spend our time, effort and will-power, when we also expose bad business and highly leveraged bets that turn south) only solidifies where that 40% of money will end up going, when, not if, the US markets tank: into other markets that conduct themselves fairly, execute transactions transparently, and punish and hold accountable the entities and persons responsible for stealing people's livelihoods, pensions, investment vehicles and overall human dignity. But why would FINRA do anything to alleviate that? They wouldn't. They can't. Keep playing the game of enabling backdoor transactions with swaps, futures, derivatives, mortgage backed securities and other highly questionable, but lucrative, "business instruments" designed to extract wealth, to continue and remain in the grips of those who control it, who write the rules for themselves and attempt to placate the rest of us with absurd excuses and reasons as to how it is designed to protect commom investors. The same reason Bernie Madof's payment for order flow is permitted, encouraged and operates unchecked and outside the law. The FINRA, DTCC, and SEC are destroying any trust American investors have in putting a nickel into this market anymore, and will break the trust of any foreign investors just the same. Are you prepared to sacrifice the American economy, prosperity, integrity and trust in US systems and regulatory bodies by piling on yet another "regulation" that further evidences the preference the market has? I think so. If it fills elitist pocketbooks? I think so. At the expense of the American people and well-being? I think so. I am leaving this market when it falls, it will only be built back up and constructed by the same people who demolished it to begin with, because they have the "know how."