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Tarun Gupta Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Tarun Gupta

This rule is absolutely unfair and limits the ability for average retail investors to earn outsized gains in the stock market. It makes it an un-level playing field with these products available to only large institutions and wealth managers, who in turn will charge extra fees to access these products. Putting a small allocation on my portfolio in an Leveraged and Inverse ETFs has personally allowed me to get over above market returns consistently and I would like to keep that option open without some regulatory overhang or having to prove my intelligence to an agency. We average retail investors understand the risks that come with these products and we have a lot more to lose than a fund manager with billions to invest. To question our ability to understand risks with investment products speaks of a very privileged position on your behalf. There is plenty of reliable and detailed information available about financial products in the world through our brokerage services like Fidelity etc.. This new rule is helping no one but the people at the top and I urge you to please scrap this proposed regulation.