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Yaakov Relkin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Yaakov Relkin

The regulation being considered is yet another instance of lawmakers infantilizing citizens. This is wholly unacceptable and a clear violation of our right to choose public investments that are right for me and my family. Your incursion into this sphere is an affront to all. This isnt like driving, where being required to prove competence makes sense - because it impacts the public as a whole (other drivers on the road.)

Investments, on the other hand, bear risk and reward that will only impact the individual investor who freely chooses it. Impeding on the right of an individual to choose in any way an investment they deem right for them is wholly unacceptable and an affront to the values this country was founded on.
I use leveraged investments to hedge my portfolio against market risks and I understand what Im doing. Furthermore, I shouldnt need to prove it to anyone since it is only my risk/reward and no one elses. The fact that such regulation is even being considered is absolutely absurd. We are not infants. The lack of knowledge on the part of some should NOT create an incentive to tyrannize the whole. This kind of collective punishment is yet another detestable example of a warped parental perspective that regulators are gravitating toward. You are our elected officials, not our parents. Start acting like it or you will be voted out of office.