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Notice To Members 86-65

Compliance with the NASD Rules of Fair Practice in the Employment and Supervision of Off-Site Personnel

Published Date:

TO: All NASD Members, Associated Persons and Other Interested Persons


NASD rules and policies consider associated persons of a member to be employees of the member, regardless of their locations or compensation arrangements. The notice addresses regulatory issues that relate to off-site employment of registered persons, including supervisory procedures, private securities transactions, fair dealings with customers and communications with the public.

Because of the significance of the issues discussed in this notice, the NASD strongly urges that it be distributed to all associated persons and recommends that it be included in the compliance manual of all firms employing off-site personnel.


A significant number of NASD members employ registered persons who engage in securities-related activities, on a full- or part-time basis, at locations away from the offices of the members. These off-site representatives, often classified for compensation purposes as independent contractors, may also be involved in other business enterprises such as insurance, real estate sales, accounting or tax planning. They may also operate as separate business entities under names other than those of the members. The NASD, in the course of its disciplinary proceedings, has observed a pattern of rule violations and other regulatory problems stemming from factors inherent in these arrangements and the manner in which they are effectuated.

Irrespective of an individual's location or compensation arrangements, all associated persons are considered to be employees of the firm with which they are registered for purposes of compliance with NASD rules governing the conduct of registered persons and the supervisory responsibilities of the member. The fact that an associated person conducts business at a separate location or is compensated as an independent contractor does not alter the obligations of the individual and the firm to comply fully with all applicable regulatory requirements.

To provide guidance to the membership in meeting these obligations, this notice discusses certain regulatory issues that frequently arise in the context of off-site employment. Because of the importance of these issues, the NASD urges each member to duplicate this notice and distribute it individually to all associated persons. In addition, it is suggested that this notice be included in the compliance manual of firms employing off-site representatives. The NASD, in the course of its member examinations, will make inquiries to ascertain that this notice has been provided to all appropriate personnel.

Article III, Section 27, NASD Rules of Fair Practice: Supervision

Section 27(a) sets forth the basic duty of a member firm to:

". . .establish, maintain and enforce written procedures which will enable it to supervise properly the activities of each registered representative and associated person to assure compliance with applicable securities laws, rules, regulations and statements of policy promulgated thereunder and with the rules of this Association."

Although the rule does not prescribe specific supervisory procedures to be followed by all firms, it clearly mandates that the adopted procedures enable a firm to supervise properly the activities of each associated person to assure compliance. Thus, firms employing off-site representatives are responsible for establishing and carrying out procedures that will subject these individuals to effective supervision designed to monitor their securities-related activities and to detect and prevent regulatory and compliance problems.

This can include:

1. Educating off-site personnel regarding their obligations as registered persons to the firm and to the public, including prohibited sales practices.
2. Maintaining regular and frequent contact with such individuals.
3. Implementing appropriate supervisory practices, such as records inspections and compliance audits at the representatives' places of employment, to ensure that their methods of business and day-to-day operations comply with applicable rules and requirements.

For greatest effectiveness in preventing and detecting violations, visits should be unannounced and include, for example, a review of on-site customer account documentation and other books and records, meetings with individual representatives to discuss the products they are selling and their sales methods, and an examination of correspondence and sales literature.

To fulfill these obligations, a firm should consider whether the number and location of its registered principals provides the capability to supervise its off-site representatives effectively.

Section 27(c) includes the requirement that a member:

". . .review and endorse in writing, on an internal record, all transactions and all correspondence of its registered representatives pertaining to the solicitation or execution of any securities transaction."

This requirement applies equally in the case of off-site representatives. Firms whose off-site personnel also engage in non-securities businesses should remind these individuals that correspondence pertaining to such businesses, unless submitted for review, may not include material related to securities transactions.

Section 27(d) imposes upon a member the obligation to:

". . .review the activities of each office, which shall include the periodic examination of customer accounts to detect and prevent irregularities and abuses and at least an annual inspection of each office of supervisory jurisdiction."

An office of supervisory jurisdiction (OSJ) is defined in Section 27(f) as:

". . .any office designated as directly responsible for the review of the activities of registered representatives or associated persons in such office and/or in other offices of the member."

If a member has designated an individual as responsible for reviewing the activities of other registered persons within the firm, the office of that individual must be inspected annually, regardless of whether such person is compensated as an employee or as an independent contractor.

Article III, Section 40, NASD Rules of Fair Practice: Private Securities Transactions

Past experience of the NASD in examining members indicates that the conduct of off-site representatives most frequently resulting in violations of NASD rules involves unauthorized private securities transactions, or "selling away." The NASD expects that the promulgation of Section 40 and the clarification of the obligations of members and associated persons in such transactions will reduce the instances of selling away among all associated persons, including off-site representatives.

Several aspects of Section 40, and certain related issues, merit emphasis in the context of off-site personnel. Section 40 cannot accomplish its objectives unless member firms communicate the substance of the rule to their associated persons and take affirmative steps to ensure that these requirements are understood and observed. This is especially true in the case of off-site representatives whose day-to-day access to compliance personnel and individuals experienced in the securities industry may be limited and whose participation in non-private securities transactions may be infrequent and restricted in scope.

Because of their location and other circumstances of their employment, off-site personnel have a greater opportunity than on-site personnel to engage in undetected selling away. Consequently, firms that employ such persons are responsible for monitoring their activities in a manner reasonably intended to detect violations. Further, the obligations imposed upon the firm and the associated person under the rule are neither altered nor lessened in any way by the fact that the individual is compensated as an independent contractor.

The rule requires a member that approves an associated person's involvement in private securities transactions for compensation to record the transactions on its books and records and supervise the individual's participation "as if the transactions were executed on behalf of the member." Although the rule does not specify the manner of recordation, the firm may wish to maintain records that provide information regarding:

  • The individual and the security involved;
  • The amount and source of compensation;
  • The names of the investors and the amounts and dates of the investments;
  • The issuer, syndicator or any other broker-dealer involved; and
  • The manner in which the firm undertook to supervise the associated person's participation.

These records should be in a form that would permit the NASD to ascertain, upon examination, all relevant information regarding the participation of associated persons in private securities transactions.

Several issues arise in connection with supervising the involvement of off-site representatives in private securities transactions. The NASD has observed that some firms permit such persons to form and sell interests in limited partnerships for which they serve as general partners. While this is not an impermissible activity, members and registered persons are reminded that such transactions are securities transactions, and therefore subject to Section 40 and all other rules and regulations governing such transactions. Thus, the member is responsible for ensuring that the formation of these partnerships and the solicitation and sale of interests therein are conducted in compliance with all applicable requirements, including those pertaining to documentation, due diligence, disclosure, suitability determinations, and the handling of customer funds.

There have been instances in which associated persons have engaged in private securities transactions without notifying the firm, due to the belief or the advice of third parties that the product involved was not a security. Under federal securities laws, the definition of a security includes the commonly understood products, such as stocks and bonds, as well as other investment products, such as an "investment contract" in which one or more individuals invest in a common venture with the expectation of receiving a monetary return on their investment from or through the efforts of a third party.

Because questions frequently arise as to whether a particular investment instrument is a security, a registered person should not sell any product offered by an entity outside the firm without consulting the member to determine the product's status as a security.

Article III, Section 2, NASD Rules of Fair Practice: Recommendations to, and Fair Dealings with, Customers

Article III, Section 2 of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice requires that:

"[i]n recommending to a customer the purchase, sale or exchange of any security, a member shall have reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for such customer upon the basis of the facts, if any, disclosed by the customer as to his other security holdings and as to his financial situation and needs."

The policy of the NASD Board of Governors pertaining to Section 2 sets forth specific guidelines in the areas of recommending speculative, low-priced securities, excessive trading activity, trading in mutual fund shares, fraudulent activity, and recommending purchases beyond the customer's capability.

The actions of an associated person in dealing with customers and customer accounts, regardless of whether he or she is compensated as an employee or an independent contractor, are actions on behalf of the firm. The firm is responsible for supervising in a manner designed to detect and prevent violations of Section 2. Members should take affirmative steps to ensure that off-site personnel understand and abide by NASD and firm policies regarding dealings with customers, customer accounts and customer funds.

Article III, Section 10, Rules of Fair Practice: Influencing or Rewarding Employees of Others

Article III, Section 10 of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice prohibits members and associated persons from giving:

". . .anything of value, including gratuities, in excess of fifty dollars per individual per year to any person. . .where such payment or gratuity is in relation to the business of the employer of the recipient of the payment or gratuity"

unless such payments or gratuities are pursuant to a written agreement between the payor and the recipient to which the recipient's employer has consented.

It is, therefore, a violation of Section 10 for a member to compensate an associated person of another member in connection with securities transactions without the employer firm's consent. A member's obligations under Section 10 are not affected by the fact that the recipient is compensated by his or her NASD employer member as an independent contractor.

Article III, Section 35, Rules of Fair Practice: Communications with the Public

Article III, Section 35(b) of the NASD Rules of Fair Practice requires that every item of advertising and sales literature, as defined in Section 35(a):

". . .be approved by signature or initial, prior to use, by a registered principal (or his designee) of the member."

Paragraph (2) of Section 35(b) requires further that a separate file of such items be maintained for a period of three years.

This rule applies to all materials originated or distributed by off-site representatives that meet the definition of "advertisement" or "sales literature," including those prepared or used by persons compensated as independent contractors. In particular, firms must approve any materials referencing that securities are sold by the off-site representative through the member, even though such materiab may be intended to promote the non-securities businesses of the off-site personnel.

Article III, Section 35(d)(2)(A) further requires that all advertisements and sales literature contain the name of the member, as well as certain other information under specified circumstances. The fact that an associated person may operate under a business name other than that of the member does not alter this requirement. The NASD has received inquiries regarding the need to include the name of the member in promotional materials that do not include references to the associated person's securities-related activities. Particular materials should be considered individually, preferably by the firm's compliance department, to determine whether they fall within the scope of Section 35.

Unregistered Broker-Dealers

The Securities and Exchange Commission has taken the position that an individual who operates as an independent contractor must be registered as a broker-dealer unless he or she is under the control of a registered broker-dealer. 1/ The question of "control" must be evaluated in light of the facts and circumstances of each situation and is not susceptible to a test of general application. There are, however, circumstances inherent in off-site employment and independent contractor compensation arrangements that may give rise to potential liability for operating as unregistered broker-dealers. Thus, registered persons and member firms may want to consider registering of off-site locations as broker-dealers.

Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to either Dennis C. Hensley, NASD Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, at (202) 728-8245, or Jacqueline D. Whelan, Attorney, NASD Office of the General Counsel, at (202) 728-8270.


Frank J. Wilson
Executive Vice President and General Counsel

1/ Refer to the statement by the SEC Division of Market Regulation, dated June 18, 1982, forwarded to ail NASD members on August 25, 1982.