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Anonymous-A Comment On Regulatory Notice 21-19


We should get fair reporting real time on the buys and sells as they are placed in the market. Brokers and market makers make billions every year by payment for order flow and parking orders. They spent millions to get faster fiber optic cables for those fractions of a second faster receiving of the data as Knowledge is and forever will be power. Why is there a t plus 2 or some reports only send twice a month when it would be simple to share this real time with investors. This would help close the massive gap of fairness in the market. Also you should have access to automated reporting not reports they choose to submit that are prone to doctoring. When that happens and they only pay a small fine in recompense just sets the stage for others to follow suit seeing how profiitable it is to submit doctored information. Until you receive or can enforce receiving the majority of the data these reports and us commenting won't lead to much change and improvement in the future. This will instead make it so other investors see the high level of corruption and choose to place money in other systems that at least offer some visibility instead of this multiple layers of synthetic markets and unregulated darkpool trading. What do you think will happen when people working somewhere can make millions more in profit by omitting some details from in a report where they face minimal if any rescissions for their actions?