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IM-1013-1. Membership Waive-In Process for Certain New York Stock Exchange Member Organizations

This rule is no longer applicable. NASD Rule 1010 Series has been superseded by FINRA Rule 1000 Series. Please consult the appropriate FINRA Rule.

This Interpretive Material sets forth a membership waive-in process for certain New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") member organizations to become members of FINRA as part of the consolidation of the member firm regulatory functions of NASD and NYSE Regulation, Inc. ("NYSE Regulation"). It applies to firms that, as of July 25, 2007, (1) are approved NYSE member organizations or (2) have submitted an application to become an NYSE member organization and are subsequently approved for NYSE membership (together "NYSE-only member organizations"), provided that such firms were not also NASD members as of July 30, 2007. Such firms are eligible to automatically become FINRA members and to automatically register all associated persons whose registrations are approved with NYSE in registration categories recognized by FINRA upon submission to FINRA's Member Regulation Department ("the Department") of a signed waive-in membership application ("Waive-In Application") with the following information:
(1) General company information, including Central Registration Depository (CRD®) Number and contact person.
(2) An attestation that all information on the applicant's CRD form, as of the date of submission of the Waive-In Application is accurate and complete and fully reflects all aspects of the applicant's current business, including, but not limited to, ownership structure, management, product lines and disclosures.
(3) The identity of the firm's Executive Representative.
(4) Completed and signed Entitlement Forms.
(5) A signed FINRA Membership Agreement.
(6) Representations that the NYSE applicant's Uniform Application for Broker-Dealer Registration (Form BD) will be amended as needed to keep current and accurate; that all individual and entity registrations with FINRA will be kept current; and that all information and statements contained in the Waive-In Application are current, true and complete.
The Department shall review the Waive-In Application within three (3) business days of receipt and, if complete, issue a letter notifying the applicant that it has been approved for membership. The Membership Agreement shall become effective on the date of such notification letter.
Firms admitted pursuant to this Interpretive Material shall be subject to the FINRA By-Laws and Schedules to By-Laws, including Schedule A, the consolidated FINRA rules and the NYSE rules incorporated by FINRA, provided that their securities business is limited to floor brokerage on the NYSE, or routing away to other markets orders that are ancillary to their core floor business under NYSE Rule 70.40 ("permitted floor activities"). If an NYSE-only member organization admitted pursuant to this Interpretive Material seeks to expand its business operations to include any activities other than the permitted floor activities, such firm must apply for and receive approval to engage in such business activity pursuant to NASD Rule 1017. Upon approval of such business expansion, the firm shall be subject to all NASD rules, in addition to the consolidated FINRA rules and those NYSE rules incorporated by FINRA.
Pursuant to IM-Section 4(b)(1) and (e) to Schedule A of the FINRA By-Laws, a firm applying to waive in for membership pursuant to this Interpretive Material shall not be assessed certain registration and application fees set forth in Sections 4(b)(1) and (e) to Schedule A of the FINRA By-Laws.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-022 eff. Dec. 15, 2008.
Adopted by SR-NASD-2007-056 eff. Oct 12, 2007.

Selected Notice: 08-57.

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