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10203. Simplified Industry Arbitration

This Code was superseded by the Customer Code (FINRA Rule 12000 Series) and the Industry Code (FINRA Rule 13000 Series) on April 16, 2007, for claims filed on or after that date.

(a) Any dispute, claim, or controversy arising between or among members or associated persons submitted to arbitration under this Code involving a dollar amount not exceeding $25,000, exclusive of attendant costs and interest, shall be resolved by an arbitration panel constituted pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (1) hereof solely upon the pleadings and documentary evidence filed by the parties, unless one of the parties to the proceeding files with the Office of the Director of Arbitration within ten (10) business days following the filing of the last pleading a request for a hearing of the matter.

(1) In any proceeding pursuant to this Rule, an arbitration panel shall consist of a single non-public arbitrator.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Rule, any member of an arbitration panel constituted pursuant to this Rule shall be authorized to request the submission of further documentary evidence in a proceeding and any such panel may by majority vote call and conduct a hearing if such is deemed to be necessary.
(b) All awards rendered in proceedings pursuant to paragraph (a) hereof shall be made within thirty (30) business days from the date the arbitrators review all of the written statements, documents and other evidentiary material filed by the parties and have declared the matter closed.
Amended by SR-NASD-98-64 eff. Nov. 17, 1998.
Amended by SR-NASD-97-22 eff. Nov. 17, 1998.
Amended eff. May 10, 1989.

Selected Notice: 98-90.

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