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10216. Coordination of Claims Filed in Court and in Arbitration

This Code was superseded by the Customer Code (FINRA Rule 12000 Series) and the Industry Code (FINRA Rule 13000 Series) on April 16, 2007, for claims filed on or after that date.

(a) Option to Combine Related Claims in Court

(1)(A) If a current or former associated person of a member files a statutory discrimination claim in court against a member or its associated persons, and asserts related claims in arbitration at the Association against some or all of the same parties, a respondent who is named in both proceedings shall have the option to move to compel the claimant to bring the related arbitration claims in the same court proceeding in which the statutory discrimination claim is pending, to the full extent to which the court will accept jurisdiction over the related claims.
(B) The respondent shall notify the claimant in writing, before the time to answer under Rule 10314 has expired, that it is exercising this option and shall file a copy of such notification with the Director. If the respondent files an answer without having exercised this option, it shall have waived its right to move to compel the claimant to assert related claims in court, except as provided in paragraph (b).
(2)(A) If a member or current or former associated person of a member ("party") has a pending claim in arbitration against a current or former associated person of a member and the current or former associated person thereafter asserts a related statutory employment discrimination claim in court against the party, the party shall have the option to assert its pending arbitration claims and any counterclaims in court.
(B) The party shall notify the current or former associated person in writing, before filing an answer to the complaint in court, that it is exercising this option and shall file a copy of such notification with the Director. If the party files an answer in court without having exercised this option, it shall have waived its right to assert the pending arbitration claim in court.
(C) The party may not exercise this option after the first hearing has begun on the arbitration claim.

(b) Option Extended When Claim is Amended

(1) If the claimant files an amended Statement of Claim adding new claims not asserted in the original Statement of Claim, a respondent named in the amended Statement of Claim shall have the right to move to compel the claimant to assert all related claims in the same court proceeding in which the statutory discrimination claim is pending, to the full extent that the court will accept jurisdiction over the related claims, even if those related claims were asserted in the original Statement of Claim.
(2) The respondent shall notify the claimant in writing, before the time to answer the amended Statement of Claim under Rule 10314 has expired, that it is exercising this option and shall file a copy of such notification with the Director. If the respondent files an answer to the amended Statement of Claim without having exercised this option, it shall have waived its right to move to compel the claimant to assert related claims in court.
(c) Requirement to Combine All Related Claims
If a party elects to require a current or former associated person to assert all related claims in court, the party shall assert in the same court proceeding all related claims that it has against the associated person to the full extent to which the court will accept jurisdiction over the related claims.

(d) Right of Respondent to Remain in Arbitration

(1) If there are multiple respondents and a respondent has exercised an option under paragraph (a) or (b), but another respondent wishes to have the claims against it remain in arbitration, then any remaining party may apply for a stay of the arbitration proceeding.
(2) The arbitration shall be stayed unless the arbitration panel determines that the stay will result in substantial prejudice to one or more of the parties. If a panel has not been appointed, the Director shall appoint a single arbitrator to consider the application for a stay. Such single arbitrator shall be selected using the Neutral List Selection System (as defined in Rule 10308) and is not required to have the special employment arbitrator qualifications described in Rule 10211.

(e) Pre-Filing Certification

(1) Prior to or concurrently with filing a Statement of Claim, a claimant may file with the Director a certification that it had communicated unsuccessfully with the respondent concerning the consolidation of all claims in court prior to filing a Statement of Claim, in an effort to save the expense of arbitration fees. A copy of such certification shall be sent to the respondent at the same time and in the same manner as the filing with the Director.
(2) If, after a certification has been filed, all the respondents later exercise the option to consolidate all claims in court, the Director will return the claimant's filing fee and any hearing session deposits for hearings that have not been held, but will retain the member surcharge and any accrued member process fees. If there are any remaining respondents, the filing fee and any hearing deposits will be adjusted to correspond to the claims against the remaining respondents.
(f) Motion to Compel Arbitration
If a member or a current or former associated person of a member files in court a claim against a member or a current or former associated person of a member that includes matters that are subject to mandatory arbitration, either by the rules of the Association or by private agreement, the defending party may move to compel arbitration of the claims that are subject to mandatory arbitration.
(g) Definitions

For purposes of this Rule:

(1) The term "related claim" shall mean any claim that arises out of the employment or termination of employment of an associated person.
(2) The term "statutory discrimination claim" means a claim alleging employment discrimination, including a sexual harassment claim, in violation of a statute.
Adopted by SR-NASD-99-08 eff. Jan. 18, 2000.

Selected Notice: 99-96.